Blog Article

3 Reasons to Try a Full Moon Paddle Tour

Posted on: July 28th, 2017

Colorado River tour

There is something about a full moon that brings out your adventurous spirit, and you can’t wait to fulfill your dreams of enjoying a night out in Nevada. Our Full Moon Paddle tour is one option that lets you create a unique experience that cannot be found on the Las Vegas Strip. As you plan your vacation, remember these three reasons you need to experience the Black Canyon during a full moon, even if you’ve never set foot in a kayak.

Experience a Real Desert Sunset

Those neon Vegas nights are bright, but they obscure the true natural beauty of Nevada. Checking out a Las Vegas Colorado River tour allows you to be completely immersed in the sights, sounds and colors of Nevada’s most beautiful places. Heading out at sunset allows you to watch the sky shift from gorgeous shades of blue and pink to a sparkling night scene that takes your breath away. Once the full moon shines, the Colorado River takes on a sparkling sheen that gives you new insight into how beautiful the desert can be when you try something new and adventurous.

Plan a Memorable Date

Escaping from the crowd and floating along the water in the moonlight creates an intimate atmosphere that tops any other venue for generating romance. On Las Vegas Colorado River tours, you can enjoy a shared experience that includes a fireside marshmallow roast on the shoreline of the Colorado River, celebrating the beauty of the night. Just make sure to bring your camera to document this newfound favorite memory.

Nurture Your Sense of Adventure

As night falls, the crowds thin out, and you can enjoy a sense of solitude on the Colorado River that allows you to take in its grandeur truly. Watch as Willow Beach fades out of view and the wildlife begins to emerge as they prepare for their evening. On a Full Moon tour, you never know what you might see as you explore the Emerald Cave waterways or enjoy your fellow kayakers’ camaraderie as you float down the river.

Our Full Moon Paddle Tours fill up fast, so get in on the action now by using our easy online booking to reserve the date for your next big Nevada adventure.