Blog Article

Black Canyon in the Spring

Posted on: March 10th, 2017

Some parts of the country are preparing to get covered with another blanket of snow after the looming doom of the groundhog’s prediction earlier last month. However, please be aware that we at Blazin’ Paddles do not follow the kind suggestions of said groundhog! In fact, we are preparing to hit our first full week in the 90’s. Spring in the Black Canyon is like nowhere else. The river is still quiet from the winter months, and some days you will be out there with not another soul. The motor restrictions for boats over 65HP are still in effect until late May. This keeps the jet skiers and big crowds away from the river.

Black Canyon in the Spring

Sights Of Spring

The sights of spring on the river are beautiful as well. You can enjoy the bright bloom of the Beavertail Cactus, and even enjoy the rarity of a green desert! If you are lucky you will even be able to catch a glimpse of a newly born lamb. The Desert Big Horn Sheep typically birth from early February to late March.

The migration of birds is also different in the springtime. Coots are still hanging around the river for just a little while longer. Coots are small water birds that always seem to bring a smile to our guests. Coots run across the water for long periods when trying to take off. Be careful disturbing a large flock of these critters because they like to fart as they run. The bigger the flock, the worse it’s going to smell. I guess they are gas-propelled birds!

Maybe for some of you this is not a good thing, but with the temperature rising, the reptiles will come out and play. Yes, I mean rattlesnakes! Most people fear these creatures, but if you observe them from a distance they can be very interesting and cool to see. They will not bother you unless you bother them, so just watch where you step!

Goodbye Winter

So, if you are trying to escape the cold of an extended winter (thanks a lot, groundhog!), consider kayaking on the beautiful Colorado River! We are always happy to help people seek asylum from the frigid temperatures of the Northeast—even you, Canada!